Ms. LaPointe

Mrs. LA LaPointe's class. This year I teach a multilevel class of grade 2-3 students. We have 14 students in our crew!

Posted: April 6, 2020


Mon, Apr 6/20 9:00 am

ASD-N and L.E. Reinsborough launch Home Learning Oppunities for our school community.

Wow... look at them puke!

What will make a pumpkin puke?

After lunch in the snow... we finished the jack-o-lantern and prepared the "food" our pumpkin would eat.

Time for a science lesson. We took our STEM task outside.  Crew 34 made pumpkins puke!  First we needed to make jack-o-lanterns. We worked on our jack-o-lanterns until lunch when the snow began. 

Fresh air really builds an appetite so we grabbed a snack while listening to our Read Aloud story.  Our Vice Principal, Mrs. Harquail, even joined us with her coffee!

We started our outside activities with books, blankets and comfty seating.  Bundle up and Read to Self

Posted: April 30, 2018

The April's STEM challegne was to create something news using recycled materials.

STEM Snowman challenge


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Added: Mon, Jan 29 2018